101. "Why is it your scabs always smell like pie?" - The Geldlings of Thorndike Terrace, 1946
102. "You're not a real apostle, Walter, and that probably isn't Jesus' neckerchief." - Golgolthan Puke Party, 1974
103. "AAAA-OOOO-GAHH! (eighteen-second belch)" - The Life and Times of Madame Curie, 1957
104. "Placenta! Placenta everywhere!" - Dolts of the West, 1977
105. "Do it! Mispronounce 'noblesse oblige' again! I fucking dare you!" - The Elocutioner, 1986
106. "Don't worry about it, Phil, it's East Parsippany." - The Town With One Chinese Family Living in It, 1975
107. "Nah, it wasn't Beauty. 'Twas the plunge from the very tall building that killed that friggin' ape." - King Kong (directors cut), 1933
108. "You had me at 'sucking chest wound'." - Open Heart, Open Pneumothorax, 1997
109. "That capybara molested my sheltie!" - Confused in the Wild, 1987
110. "You know how to make a motorboat sound, don't you, Stu? You just put your lips together and... bbrr-brr-ap... wait a second, maybe you should moisten them a little first..." - To Have and Have Not and Then Get Some of It Back Again With the Insurance Money, 1938