If'n you didn't already know, I wrote and performed a second evening of humorous-simulating monologues and readings, THE DAY THE MIRTH STOOD STILL: ANOTHER EVENING NEAR WILLIAM HAM, this past month and managed to get the whole damned thing up on the YouTubes. Here is one of the best bits from the show -
...and if you liked that, you can viddy the remaining 13 parts hyar.
And as part of my promotional campaign - actually, this pretty much constitutes my entire promotional campaign - for the show, my buddy Leonard Pierce graciously allowed me to appear on the latest edition of his PetardCast, featuring a lengthy and sometimes coherent-on-my-part conversation with me and a boffo bit in which I whip out an imitation that at least 30% of the time somewhat resembles Lou Reed. Go here to hear it - satisfaction guaranteed.*
(* Not a guarantee.)